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Cosmic Dance

Cosmic Dance


There is an underlying intelligence to everything that exists, living being and inanimate object alike. Some call it cosmic intelligence others God or the Divine. No matter what name we use, this underlying intelligence is always in perfect order no matter what the outer circumstances may seem. At some times, the scales might seem to tip more to one side than the other, however, eventually they’ll always come back to balance. In Sanskrit and Yoga philosophy, the term Ishvara Pranidhana stands for having faith in, completely letting go and surrendering to that one cosmic force because one understands that we are all part of one big cosmic dance. When we are ready to do that, we understand that everything is in perfect divine order, we are safe and protected and things will turn out as they should, even if it isn’t what we initially anticipated. It is like floating on invisible wings, being held by a force greater than us and trusting completely that this force will hold us and take us in the right direction. There is no more resistance and absolute freedom. This Light Code Essence is designed to invite a sense of letting go, surrender and trust in a higher force into your life. It can also assist you reconnect with that underlying order and energy. 

  • Directions for use:

    For best results, take a few drops in a glass of water. Alternatively, put some drops into your water bottle to dilute further, or take straight under the tongue. If you don't want to take the essence internally, you can alternatively put some drops on marma points, such as the space between your eyebrows (third eye), the crown of your head, on your wrists (just to name a few), or your heart chakra.
    Contains 30% vodka

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