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Marion Morningstar Art & Yoga

Welcome to Morningstar
Art & Yoga

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Morningstar Art and Yoga is the fusion of Marion's

 passion for Yoga  and 

 drawing vibrational art

similar to Mandalas, which can both assist you on your journey of growth and transformation.

Marion Morningstar - Yoga & Art

About Marion Morningstar's Journey


Marion's Yoga journey began over 22 years ago.


She has since made it a regular part of her life

as she deeply appreciates the physical, emotional and psychological benefits and the transformational power it has brought into her life.


As a Yoga teacher, she is passionate

about sharing Yoga with others because we all deserve to live a happy and fulfilled life. 

Marion began drawing Mandalas about 15 years ago, both as a creative outlet and hobby as well as using the process as a way to turn her awareness within and to connect with her inner world and intuition.


Soon the drawing process evolved beyond mere round shapes and she intuitively included other geometric shapes and symbolism, which seem to arise from deep within her consciousness.

Marion Morningstar - transofrmation.JPG
Yoga Session

Each drawing stands for a particular topic and contains shapes, symbols and colours that together radiate and vibrate transformational energy.


The drawings can be used as a meditation tool to allow the energy move deeply through your body, mind and consciousness to bring about change and invite the energy of that drawing into your life.

Image by kike vega

Marion's Soul Transformation Art

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Loka Samasta Sukhino Bhavantu ~ May all beings everywhere be happy and free 

Copyright 2021 Marion Morningstar.  |  Website designed by fruitful group

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