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"Yoga teaches us to cure what need not be endured and endure what cannot be cured"
B.K.S. Iyengar


Yoga is an ancient philosophy and system of practices that are designed to bring about a union of body, mind and spirit/soul within us. In Yoga, we practice:













physical postures (Asana), breath control (Pranayama) and Meditation (Dhyana) to bring balance and peacefulness, clarity and strength into our body as well mind and essentially into all aspects of our life, so that we can live our life to its full potential in true happiness and harmony.


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Yoga also teaches us to become the observer of our life experiences, which has the potential to free us from pain and to gain greater understanding of our life lessons and to move through them in grace as well as with understanding and compassion. A regular Yoga practice helps us to connect deeply with our body, to build strength and flexibility and to steady our mind. Yoga enhances mental clarity and focus. It balances and calms our nervous system, which reduces anxiety and symptoms of depression.


People sometimes have the belief that Yoga is not for them because they are not flexible enough. Yoga is not about having to be flexible. Flexibility is but one aspect of Asana practice. Yoga is more about connecting with our bodies and being in the here and now as we do. We focus and still our mind and use deep breathing to move into our body, in order to be truly present and to realise the essence of who we are within us.



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Loka Samasta Sukhino Bhavantu ~ May all beings everywhere be happy and free 

Copyright 2021 Marion Morningstar.  |  Website designed by fruitful group

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