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The term ‘waking up’ or ‘awakening’ has been used a lot over the past years. Generally, it refers to the realization that we are more than out our outer shell, the human body, and that there is more going on, on different levels, than we can perceive with our physical eyes. This process of awakening is a deeply individual one. It will take us on and through a journey that is not always easy or pleasant as it can involve painful realizations and having to let go of previous ideas and viewpoints. It can also shake up relationships to friends and family as we undergo a deep transformation and as we change things and people might not resonate with us anymore. We might be confronted with untruths that we have believed about ourselves and others. However unsettling this process may be, it always takes us deeper into our own truth and connects us to who we essentially are deep inside, and therefore is a deeply rewarding journey. In the end, we need to remember that we are all connected no matter what differences may appear to be on the outside, and we all go through our own individual journey.

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